
In the past few years, video marketing has been trending in the digital world. With so many sectors being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, you may wonder how that has affected video marketing. Current findings as regards the effect of the past surreal year on video marketing have been listed below.

  • The pandemic has drastically increased the number of people who watch videos online, and brands can use this to their advantage in the coming years as well.
  • It has remained the key priority when marketing a business, and the need for video marketing is predicted to increase in the coming years as well.
  • There are positive outcomes when it comes to ROI offered by video marketing since it can strongly impact leads, traffic, audience attention, and sales.
  • Although video marketing has become an essential tool for every business, there are certain budget restrictions. Tools like InVideo which is a video editor that can help businesses who are looking for affordable ways to create marketing videos.

Why Is Video Marketing so Important Now? Many businesses, irrespective of their size, are investing in video marketing, but why are they doing so? Why has video suddenly become such a prime entity of marketing campaigns? Find out below!

1. Boosts Conversion Rate Videos can drastically boost your conversion rate and sales. Did you know that when you add video on your website landing page, it can give an 80% boost to your conversions? Regardless of the industry you are in, video content can directly help you convert inquiries into sales. Some studies indicate that approximately 74% of viewers who watched a video about a product or service eventually ended up buying it. Vision is a dominant sense in humans, and this high conversion rate when videos are used shouldn’t come as a surprise. Most already know the effect pictures have on sales and conversions. So, imagine how moving pictures can affect your business sales.

2. Attracts Audience Attention These days, the attention of the audience is something that many businesses can be seen striving to gain. Even if you can hold the attention of your target audience for a few seconds, it is great! If the content you post on your website or social media handles is not interactive or engaging enough, people will just scroll down or go back to the previous page. However, when you employ videos on your online platforms, you are more likely to attract your audiences’ attention when compared to text content. Creative videos can greatly impact the time spent on your website by a viewer, which would directly impact your conversion rate.

3. Things Get Explained Better Are you planning on launching a new service or product? Ensure that you have an explainer video ready for it. Approximately 98% of consumers watch an explainer or how-to video before buying a product. This is why you can see most of the businesses having an explainer video on their landing page. Even when you are trying to explain a concept relevant to your offerings, animated videos are the way to go. No text can bring a situation into life as well as a video does. This will keep the content interesting and not boring as the content on video would be easier to understand and grasp.

4. Video Gets Shared Often Social media platforms these days are well-equipped to make it convenient for users to share their content with others. Features like Instagram Stories, Facebook Live Video, and LinkedIn Stories are now even more focused on helping users share video content effectively. Such features encourage social media users to post whatever catches their eye. However, when you are creating videos for social media shares, you need to know that the users would be more encouraged to share emotions and not plain facts. Hence, your brand video needs to be entertaining and not give out simple hard facts if you wish to have more shares on social media platforms. This does not directly affect your ROI, but this would surely improve the traffic on your website that would eventually improve your sales.

5. Video is Preferred by Google When there are videos on your website, the time a viewer spends on your website would increase automatically. Longer exposure to your content eventually builds trust and makes the search engines believe that your website has good content. According to research, if you have a video embedded on your landing page, your website has 53 times more chances of being shown on the first page of Google Search results. Since YouTube is owned by Google now, videos have a significant effect on your search engine ranking. However, you need to optimize your videos for SEO effectively by adding interesting descriptions and titles with all the appropriate keywords.

6. Builds Trust Among the Audience Trust forms the base of sales and conversions and hence building trust among your audience is vital. The entire concept of marketing is based on establishing trust among your consumers to build a long-term relationship. For this, you need to direct the focus from selling your product or service to providing them with useful information about your offerings. Video content has a way of igniting emotions by engaging the audience. Many consumers are skeptical when it comes to buying things off the internet. However, when they see your products being promoted in a conversational form, most of them do not have a problem trusting your brand and investing in your product. With people being isolated in their homes, the demand for videos has grown dramatically. Businesses have used video marketing as a way to keep up with this demand while getting their products and services effectively marketed. The above points tell you why you must invest in video marketing in 2021 and the coming years if you haven’t already done so.